VCAST @ TV - IPTV/ Multimedia Broadcast Solutions

VCAST@TV is an IP-based multimedia broadcast solution using VCAST’s intelligent set-top-box – “Vbox” as playback device for any conventional display devices such as TV, Projector, Video Wall, etc. VCAST@TV can minimize the barriers of audiences and create new opportunities for advertising, infotainment, learning, communications and various applications.

Also see:      VCAST @ Web     |     VCAST @ Mobile



  • Support all conventional AV display devices (e.g. TV, Plasma, Projectors, etc)

  • Live or on-demand video broadcasts with multimedia contents

  • Deliver via broadband or any IP-based network

  • Live information or RSS feeds (e.g. news, weathers, etc)

  • Ad hoc live video or advertisements injection

  • Dynamic and personalized contents and templates

  • Playback on any conventional AV devices

  • Centralized management and control

  • Ultra low bandwidth and power consumption

  • Support integration with web, e-commerce, or other applications



  • Simple & Convenient – allow your audience to watch the live or on-demand video broadcasts as well as multimedia content through the existing conventional televisions or projectors with minimized barriers of technical issue.

  • Instant Multimedia Infotainment Bulletin – upgrade your display panel or public areas into a new advertising and publicity media with fully dynamic live or archived streaming video and multimedia contents.

  • Regional coverage and high mobility – Via wired or wireless IP network, the cost of additional RF or AV cabling can be saved and thus enhance the mobility of audiences throughout the buildings, regions or even worldwide.

  • Plug-n-Play & Ease of use – the video and multimedia content can be playback automatically using VCAST’s set-top-box – “VBox”. No worry and hassle on virus, troubleshoot and configuration issues.

  • Ease of Support and Maintenance – VCAST Vbox can be centralized monitoring, upgrading and reboot remotely through the IP-based network. This can save the plenty of time for on-site management and monitoring.

  • Low running cost – VCAST Vbox is specially designed for 7/24 operation, low-cost and low power consumption (approx. 80W only) which doesn’t require frequent update of patches or hardware upgrades like a normal PC and save a dozen times of cost in long-term operation.

  • Ease of installation – VCAST Vbox is compact and light weight in size which can be mounted easily in every corner of a building or the room.



  • Digital signage and information display panel (e.g. schools, exhibitions, office lobby, finance, news bulletins, etc)

  • Outdoor advertising or publicity display (e.g. transportation means, lobby, buildings, video walls, shops, etc)

  • Distance learning (e.g. live or on-demand learning at home or office)

  • Internal or corporate communication (e.g. internal TV channel, multi-branch broadcasts, etc)

  • IPTV (e.g. infotainment and media service)